

me about me...

Hey amigos. Since you're at the about me page, I thought I'd tell you a little...about me. My name is Sam and I'm from the UK. I have been drawing for as long as I can remember. From my early 'Incredible Hulk' and 'Spiderman' renditions at school to my treasured '32 deuce coupe hot rod painting (which i cant find!) after leaving school. I did the thing of going to college, uni and work with jobs in between for a bit of cash. I even worked in the USA during my first and final years (studying interior design) at university, teaching art and percussion. Cool times!

It wasnt until the late 1990s though, that leaned more toward vizualizing and made a carreer out of it. Fast forward to the 21st. century, many pencils, and dried up marker pens later and at around 2010, while on reduced work hours due to the recession, I decided to do the internet thing and showcase examples of my work online via a website. And that is, my friend, when was born. is really for inspiring artists, vizualizers and designers to continue the art of creative freehand drawing within the realms of design and not be completely drawn to the exclusivity of computer rendered visuals. In a world dominated by the technology of computers, it is apparent, especially in the interior design world, that the ability and skill to draw is graduly eroding in favour of the slickness of a computer rendered visual. There is of course nothing wrong with a computer visual. And infact I think that the two can work really well hand in hand. Creating a free hand drawing and in particular, freehand perspective drawing, however has the inherant ability to showcase the "signature" or "soul" of the artist, something, I feel, is more difficult to represent electronically.

I hope that what you see on the webpages and music videos will inspire you to keep drawing, just as I feel inspired when I see great comic book art in a local book store, when just out and about browsing from shop to shop.

That's it for now I guess. I hope you like what you find on the site. I endeavour to give as much as I can to further the quest of keeping freestyle drawing alive!
