


Part 2. Check out the series of step by step videos for drawing the easy chair.
In the later videos I place it in a room setting to make it alittle more interesting:)


What You Need To Get Started

Before you dive right into drawing in perpsective, you need a few basic pieces of equipment to help you get started and in this short video, I go over all the things that you will need.
There's not much and its all pretty cheap! Once you got these few things you don't need to go out and buy anything else.

So what you will need are:
1 1 A3 layout pad. You can get on of these any good art shop or stationers.
2 A medium soft pencil such as a HB or 2B and a sharpener
3 A plastic ruler, about 300mm long, or a set of plastic triangles
4 some masking tape
5 a drawing surface, such as your dining table, desk or kitchen worktop
6 your favourite drink (mines coffee!) and maybe some biscuits or cookies!

what you need to get started



ebookCheck out the eBook

Direct Digital download

I hope you are enjoying the videos. I'm having alot of fun making them! I also hope that they have been helpful to you and have been of great value. On top of the videos I also have a awesome written and illustrated guide right here if your looking for more a little more in-depth information. It's called -

PERSPECTIVE MADE EASY. There's a ton of great information that will add what you have already learned from the videos, and is a useful resource with some great mini tutorials inside that you can do.

Also included are 2 BONUS perspective drawing PDFS worth $12.99 each so your'e getting great value!

So go ahead and grab a copy at this great price. You'll love it!
